
Steareth-2 is a surfactant. It is a waxy compound mainly used as an emulsifier & surfactant in various cosmetic products. Its Molecular Formula is C22H46O3 and Molecular Weight is 358.6.

Sihauli Brand Name SCPL S2
Chemical Name/INCI Name Steareth-2
Nature of Emulsifier Water in Oil
Application & Functionality Emulsifier & Co-Emulsifier, Dispersant, Stable at extreme pH
Texture Medium to Heavy
Usage Level Usage 0.5% to 5%
Industry/Application Categories Skin Care (Face Care & Cosmetics), Hair Care, Body Care


Steareth-2 is a waxy solid material that acts as an emulsifier in cosmetics and personal care products. It helps water and oil-based ingredients stay together to form an emulsion.
Steareth-2 is used in:
Personal cleanliness products, Deodorants, Suntan products, Fragrance products, Skin products, Eye products, Hair products.
Steareth-2 is polyethylene glycol ethers of stearic acid. Its ingredients are prepared by interacting with the chemical intermediate gas ethylene oxide with stearyl alcohol, a process which forms an entirely new stable compound. The number that comes after (for instance, 2) indicates the average number of ethylene oxide units used in the preparation.


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