Scandium oxide (Scandia)

Scandium Oxide
Product Code SC0081
CAS Number 12060-08-1
Assay (purity) 99.99%
Purity method by complexometric (EDTA)
Molecular weight 137.91


Scandium(III) oxide or scandia is a inorganic compound with formula Sc₂O₃. It is one of several oxides of rare earth elements with a high melting point. It is used in the preparation of other scandium compounds as well as in high-temperature systems, electronic ceramics, and glass composition.

Scandium(III) oxide or scandia is a inorganic compound with formula Sc₂O₃. It is one of several oxides of rare earth elements with a high melting point. It is used in the preparation of other scandium compounds as well as in high-temperature systems, electronic ceramics, and glass composition. Wikipedia
Molar mass137.91 g/mol
Density3.86 g/cm³
Melting point2,485 °C
Solubility in waterinsoluble in water
Lattice constanta = 985 pm


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